The Project Based Learning assignment I am in the process of creating focuses on the learning strategy of nonlinguistic representation. Specifically, students will be required to create a multimedia project based on one of the characters from a short story they have read. Because this is a multimedia project, students will have the option of using many different Web 2.0 tools for this assignment. They will be able to use Prezi, wikis, blogs, or create a video. The primary 21st century skill this assignment addresses is that of the basic Digital Age Literacy. Through this assignment I hope to have my students improve their visual and information literacies, their cultural literacy, and their technological literacy. Below is the rubric I plan to use when grading this project. While this is still a work in progress, I am sure you can see just how awesome this is going to be. I am truly excited about how this project is shaping up and I look forward to posting the entry event video soon.
I love character based projects. They seem to be very successful at getting studetns to expand beyond a literal translation of what the author already said. Good Luck!